
Air Conditioning in Elevator

When we entered the elevator, always involuntarily think of one thing.That is the elevator is a very confined space, how it is to maintain the flow of air? think most people have not thought about it and, do not understand this.Most air conditioners work in a similar way, although sometimes it's easy to see some lifts with exhaust fans.But it is only a small part of it, and the most important way to lift ventilation is air conditioning.Do not think that only the indoor room can be installed air conditioning, in fact, the elevator also has to match the air conditioning.Here we give a brief introduction of the lift air conditioning function.
Elevator air conditioning can not directly discharge the condensate into  into the elevator shaft and with the installation of space and some other factors,Elevator air-conditioning structure and layout has its own characteristics.Most of the current elevator air conditioning is used strong body of the way, in fact, it works like a home air conditioning.By the refrigeration compressor, condenser, capillary and evaporator and auxiliary equipment, etc., using the cooling mode or vapor compression refrigeration.Compressors can compress low-pressure refrigerant vapor into high-temperature and high-pressure steam, and then sent to the finned tube condenser for cooling
Difference between elevator air condition and conventional air conditioning
Elevator air conditioning is installed in the car above, must be resolved when the air conditioning can not have the appearance of condensate.So the elevator air conditioning generally use the method of secondary evaporation of condensed water evaporation, to maintain the placement of the dry environment.In addition, part of the air conditioning car does not have enough power to prepare, you need to pull the accompanying cable.
Elevator air conditioning function
1) Keep ventilation, removal dust and dehumidification, air purification, to avoid infection.
2) Also can heat, and has an environmentally friendly refrigerant, sterilization and other optional features.
3) Installation and maintenance more convenient, according to different types of elevators for different models to choose, can fully meet the different needs of users.
4) Can be achieved in the summer cooling, heating effect in the winter, bringing people a comfortable environment.


Elevators in an Educational Environment

It's pretty common for a large university to have a more diverse group of buildings than anyplace else in town. That means, when it comes to tackling an elevator issue, the university's facilities department often doesn't have someone they can consult in a facility just down the road that's had similar experiences. 
At a number of Big Ten universities, the usual solution was to call someone at another Big Ten university. A few years ago, that repeated collaboration led to the idea of a group that could share experience and education among those with elevator responsibilielelies at universities. That group formally organized in 2006 as Elevator U. In addition to university representatives, the group also has members that are elevator manufacturers, contractors, consultants and vendors. The organization holds an annual conference that focuses on elevators in university settings. This year's conference will be hosted by Michigan State University from June 18-21.
In addition to sharing information and ideas with peers that work in similar environments, the organization focuses on teaching safety to students, both college and younger, says Elevator U board of directors president Martin Culp, elevator supervisor, department of operations and maintenance — contracts, University of Maryland.
At Maryland and other universities, working on elevators doesn't just mean their mechanical aspects. College students can, of course, be a bit hard on their surroundings, so certain measures have to be taken to combat that, says Culp.

"It goes in spurts," says Culp. "We'll get a period when they seem to be a little more destructive than normal. What we've done in most of the dorms is put vandal-resistant buttons in the elevators, because we've had trouble with them using cigarette lighters to melt the plastic on the buttons."
When it comes to mechanical maintenance, Maryland's service contracts have a wide range of requirements for the length of time in the field and experience working with different kinds of equipment. With a wide range of brands and types of  passenger elevator  requirements ranging from dormitories to office buildings, the maintenance demands vary widely.
And, for the most part, it runs pretty smoothly — with the occasional exception.
"After a football game, we may get trapped calls where they've loaded 15 or 20 people in an elevator," Culp says. "Every once in a while we get those, but not on a frequent basis. We pretty much know when to expect problems."


key words of China 's elevator industry

2015, this may opened a new era for elevator companies.Challenges and opportunities coexist, we try to summarize this unusual year through a set of "keywords".

Inflection point
China's economy, especially the real estate industry under the depth adjustment, the turning point of China's elevator market really come.Unsurprisingly, in 2015 China's elevator market orders year-on-year decline.This is the the first inflection point since 2000,for elevator business.No matter how much reduction, it reflects that the best days of selling elevator has ended.Relevant agencies estimated that the first three quarters of 2015, China's real estate investment contribution to GDP has dropped to 0.04 percentage points.

Differentiation in 2015 began to behave very obvious, even those unwilling to leave the enterprise to use all the stops.Elevator enterprises rely mainly on product sales to obtain profits.Orders therefore become a measure of an enterprise is important or even the only indicator.And with the narrowing of the market rising channel, all enterprises can not share the only remaining sales bonus.All companies are beginning to face hard days, including those well-known brands.

Price reduction
Together with the decline in market demand, as well as product prices.The increasingly fierce competition, forcing every enterprise have to use all means to tap their own advantages.In order to expand or keep the market share, price war has become inevitable.In 2015, this "price war" more frequent appearances.

To develop into what kind of business enterprise?n this process, what kind of guidelines and norms enterprises and practitioners had to follow ?This all should be the scope of corporate values.In today's complex real estate and elevator market environment, it is increasingly difficult for companies to meet performance expectations while meeting different regional rules.However, all enterprises should be in the process of production and management together to build a good business climate, protect the environment, to ensure product safety and social responsibility, to create a healthy industrial form.

From manufacturing enterprises to manufacturing service-oriented enterprises is the fundamental change, "after the market" sooner or later become an important source of profit for the elevator business.In fact, on this transformation, part of the elevator company has already begun action.After using the market to get users, dig more value from the unit users with services, outsourcing, etc.,However, although the action has long been started, but the effect is unsatisfactory.This is mainly subject to market growth stage, the characteristics of the environment.

Keep Your Elevators Safe and Reliable

The elevator manufacturers offer service contracts and technicians from one elevator manufacturer can work on a non-proprietary elevator from other manufacturers. In-house technicians or large-scale contractors also offer certain assurances in terms of training and education. But there are no licensing requirements for technicians.

Culp, who is also the board of directors president of Elevator U, an association of elevator professionals at universities, has detailed requirements for what constitutes an acceptable contractor.

"We have a good variety of equipment, so we require a certain number of years in the trade," and diversity of equipment worked on, says Culp. "There's no licensing requirement since Maryland is just now starting to write the licensing requirements for elevator mechanics."

There are some tasks that don't need a trained technician — changing light bulbs, for example — but anything beyond the very basics requires a good technician, says Ron Burton, codes consultant, BOMA.

"For the most part, building managers will try to leave this to someone who does this all the time rather than trying to do it themselves or train their people to do it," Burton says. "If you're going to have someone work on the elevator mechanics — the doors, how the elevator works itself — yes, you need somebody who's certified and knows what they're doing."

There are a few things you can look for to help ensure you're getting a qualified contractor, says Reid. The first is participation in the National Elevator Industry Educational Program (NEIEP), which is a co-op between the manufacturers and the International Union of Elevator Contractors. Another education-based option is participation in the NAEC's Certified Elevator Technician (CET) program. There are also some metrics that can be looked at, such as average units per mechanic, response time and preventative maintenance time assigned.

Knowing that you're hiring someone to work on a machine they're familiar with is also critical. "You don't want someone that's used to doing three-stop hydraulic elevators in churches suddenly coming in and doing the inspections and maintenance on your 50-story high rise office building," Black says.

Elevators require a big investment, both in initial expense and ongoing maintenance. By paying close attention to standards and the qualifications of technicians, facility managers can ensure that they stay reliable — and more important, safe — for a long time.


The 10 most special escalators

In the rapid economic development today, subway stations, office buildings, shopping malls, department stores, high-rise residential and so on are equipped with escalators, indeed for our travel to bring a lot of convenience, saving time and effort.However, due to the geographical environment around the world, human environment, and so are different, so there have been some special around the escalator.

The big crown
Located in Chongqing, China, is Asia's second-largest upgrade escalator slope, built in 1993, run in 1996. Length of 112 meters, 1.3 meters wide, lifting height of 52.7 meters, the slope of 30 degrees.

The world's shortest escalator
Located in Kawasaki, Japan, a department store in the basement, only five steps, a height of about 83.4 cm, the 1989 Guinness Book of World Records to be recognized as the world's shortest elevator.

The world's longest outdoor escalator
Located in Hong Kong, was established in 1993, a total length of 800 meters, from the bottom to the top of the height of about 135 meters, take the whole elevator takes about 20 minutes. The elevator consists of 20 escalators and 3 moving walkways, with 14 entrances to the footbridge.

The world's oldest escalator
Located in Manhattan, New York, was built in 1902 and is an old wooden elevator, still in use.

Underwater escalator
Located in Taiwan Province, Hualien Yuanxiong Ocean Park, escalators in underwater confined space,while visitors taking it, sharks and other aquatic animals only a few meters away from the passengers.

Bicycle Escalator
Norway's Trondheim city in 1993 built the first dedicated to help outdoor enthusiasts climbing the elevator, so far, this escalator has helped more than 20 million bike enthusiasts to climb the mountain safely.

Escalators in the slums
Located in the 13th District of Medellin, Colombia, was built in 2011, about 384 meters long.The slum is quite steep, people travel to climb the equivalent of 28 floors of height, the installation of the outdoor escalator decrease the people's travel time from 35 minutes to 6 minutes.

Cross escalator
Evropeiskie mall in Moscow, Russia, cross-escalator transparent, exudes a sapphire-like fantastic luster.

Europe's longest escalator
Located in Russia's Moscow subway "Victory Park Station", up to 126 meters, there are 740 ladder, take about 3 minutes.

Outdoor escalator
Located between the National Museum of Singapore and Fort Canning Park, a modern escalator blending harmoniously with the natural scenery .

Key Part of Elevator Preventive Maintenance

Regular, on-site preventive maintenance is essential in sustaining the performance and improving the lifespan of a building's elevator systems. One of the key areas to look at is elevator doors, which are some of the most used and mistreated components of a commercial building. 

They are the only part of an elevator system that moves twice each time a car reaches a desired floor. In addition, riders pry the doors open, stop them from closing to allow additional passengers, prop them open when loading and unloading cargo, and bang up against them with luggage and carts. 

Abuse as well as wear and tear of elevator doors can cause them to not open or close properly. An inadequate alignment of the doors can become severe enough that a shutdown is inevitable and an entrapment becomes possible. 

Many times damage to a lift's doors, including knocking them off alignment, is above and beyond what is covered by a standard elevator maintenance contract and repair is at the building owner's expense. 

Elevator doors and rollers require routine maintenance and adjustments to ensure that they open and close evenly. An obvious warning sign that an elevator system's doors are out of alignment are scratches on the inside of the doors as a result of the panels dragging along the car. Refinishing costs of the doors — which could have been avoided with proper routine maintenance — will then have to be incurred by the building owner, as they are not covered in service contracts. Other door components that can cause performance issues include door gibs, hanger rollers, and hoistway door interlocks.


Elevator management card system

In the rapid economic development of modern, people's living standards have been improved.Layers of high-rise buildings dizzying, people are no longer bound to travel up and down the stairs climbing, has long been open elevator era.Now many of the property community are equipped with elevator credit card system. take the elevator when the card must be normal to use the elevator.Only passenger with the card can use the elevator . If you forget to take the elevator card ,then you had to climb the stairs yourself.Many residents are not so convenient to return home, but the elevator credit card system also has many advantages.Let us take a look at the following elevator credit card system which bring you excellent experience!

1st  After the elevator dedicated card control equipment installation, commissioning is completed by the property company or the elevator company holding the authorization card for each elevator installed on the elevator special card control device for initial settings.Set before use, if not setting correct the elevator can not be used.
2st  When the owner of a single card taking the elevator, after using the credit card, elevator button will be automatically lit.Elevator will go to the floor of the owners, other floors of the elevator button is invalid.If the property requires credit card, need to manually press the elevator button, can also be easily achieved.
3st   When the owner of the elevator dedicated card is lost, the owner only need to go to the property management center to report the loss of elevator dedicated card.Property personnel after inquiry, the owner lost card number written to the lost card.After the owners use the passenger elevator on the brush about the lost card, the owner lost the elevator card immediately be canceled, even if the owner lost the elevator card was picked up, it can not be used.

Elevator management card system brings us great convenience, it ensures people the security of passengers.It prohibits foreigners from entering and leaving, can effectively avoid the loss of property.Elevator management Card system uses passive contacts and the elevator itself system connection, completely isolated from both, will not affect the original function of the elevator.It can be highly efficient energy-saving, effectively reduce the elevator maintenance and repair costs.Elevator management card system saves power, reduces the frequency of the use of the elevator, will save a lot of electricity and daily maintenance expenses.And it has the characteristics of flexible fees, will not let the business owners to charge problems and headaches.