
elevator and city

The beginning of the industrial revolution in eighteenth Century declared the beginning of urbanization. By nineteenth Century, he original land area can not match the growing population density .The rapid development of urbanization from the objective requirements of the construction sector in the intensive aspects of innovation.

Before 1852 Otis invented the safety lifting device,  buildings more than 6 floors are relatively rare. People do not want to climb too many steps, while the hydraulic vertical lift can enhance the height of only 15 meters. Before the elevator show up, the loft and the top floor is regarded as a grocery, laundry, or for servants and poor living.In the early stage of the elevator, its safety is not fully accepted, it only meets the needs of the people in the office area of high-rise buildings in the physical movement.Until 1920, the New York developers launched the "top floor apartment" (Penthouse) , so that the top floor or the floor with a balcony to become a rich man's patent.They can even build their own private residential elevator, blocking outsiders.

Often encounter with a stranger in such a small space, there will inevitably be some embarrassing thing to happen.So, the design of the elevator space should consider both comfort and safety.In nineteenth Century, the elevator door can not automatically open, need to switch on people own.We often seen well dressed   elevator operator in the old movie , in fact, is a kind of security.In 1887, the elevator door of automatic switch appears.The invention of automatic elevator door keep passenger away felling into the shaft cause of forgetting close the door , also let the elevator process more of a sense of security and privacy.

After years of exploration and evolution, the modern standard passenger elevator space design is recommended for each passenger to occupy an area of at least 0.19 square meters.This elevator design also can maximize the end of overweight, to ensure safety.Culture also has an impact on the elevator design.In fact, Asians have a greater degree of acceptance in crowded spaces.

With the development of technology, the height of the building is relatively easy to achieve, and the focus of the competition transferred to the elevator speed, comfort, security and creativity.Built in 1930, New York's Chrysler building, 318.9 meters high, with 77 floors, the elevator running speed is only 4.5 m / sec.By 2004, 509 meters high Taipei 101 tower , a total of 106 floors, the elevator running speed reached 16.8 m / s.

In the place with large flow of people, the escalator can effectively relieve congestion.Compared with the elevator, the electric escalator occupies more space, and the vertical speed is relatively slow. But because of its continuous operation, there is no need to wait, making its total capacity is much higher. 

For 150 years, the elevator continue to emerge in the material, style, control systems, control systems . There are many kinds of elevators, but the premise condition of all kinds of elevator is still in the continuous improvement of its safety performance.The elevator has also developed its own enjoyable function , and some of the elevator even become a cultural landscape.


